To Ease the Passing of Time

To Ease the Passing of Time

From Loneliness to Solitude



The content of this text is inspired by a comment written by my friend Martine after something that I posted on my blog in French. The form is inspired by Irish blessings.




To ye who have been lost for so long in the cold darkness of loneliness


To ye who are so desperate for an ear to listen to your voice, for a voice that would tell you that someone really cares for you, and for eyes that would look at you in the eyes, and without having to say a single work would tell you that you are loved


To ye who have lost all hope of finding a soul that would become a companion of your soul


May ye find beyond the loud and angry voices of preachers and politicians who sold their souls to the Devil for money and power, beyond the accusing fingers pointed at you by those who should point the finger at themselves, the way out of your loneliness to joy and happiness


May ye be able to see beyond the reasoning, the empty dogmas, the traditions and the rules that have nothing to do with love and compassion, the way to turn your loneliness into solitude


And may ye find in your solitude the voice of God, like the gentle wind whispering through the leaves of a tree in the summer, telling you that you are not alone and that you will never be alone again




And he said, “Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. And when Eli′jah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave.


From somewhere in the Bible



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